Hi! I’m Paula, a Taiwanese girl. I like to share something about my country to my foreigner friends. This is one of my favorite Taiwanese food!! 火Huǒ 鍋guō (hot pot)

Se llama “hot pot” en inglés.Siempre es una olla enfrente de ti. Hay verduras, carnes y muchas cosas más. Cocinamos las comidas a nosotros mismos.
It’s called a “hot pot” in English. There is always a pot in front of you. There are vegetables, meats and many other things inside the pot. We cook the food by ourselves.

Podemos pedir muchas cosas. Verduras, muchos tipos de carne y pescado. También muchas cosas que nunca tú sabes! Cocinamos las que nos gustan.
We can order many things. Like, vegetables, many types of meat and fish. There are also many things that you never seen and known before! We cook what we like.

Nos gusta charlar cuando estamos cocinando. Nunca nos sentimos aburridos. Podemos pasa buen tiempo juntos. Si quieres comer solo, también tú puedes.
We like to chat with each other when we are cooking. We never feel bored. We can spend good time together. If you want to eat alone, you can also do that.

Siiii. Jaja. Casi cada tienda de “hot pot” la oferece gratis. Pero las bebidas no son mismos. Depende la tienda.
Yessss. Ha ha. Almost every “hot pot” shop offers drinks for free. But the drinks are not same. It depends on the store.
Ya esta. Espero que te guste!
Si tienes amigo taiwanés, pregutarle jaja. Seguro que va a explicarte mucho!
That’s it. I hope you like it!
If you have a Taiwanese friend, ask him/her haha. I’m sure he/she will explain a lot to you!
Más comida taiwanesa/ More Taiwanese :
意Yì 麵 miàn (special fried noodle)